color schemes for your next event

Color Schemes for Your Next Event

Are you stuck on color schemes for your next event? Most people are concerned about color schemes when they are planning a wedding, designing their home, or in small ways like picking out their outfit in the morning. However, color is majorly important in event design too. The color palette in combination with the set, staging, lighting design, props and other elements that make up the experience need to be harmonious. Event Design Build is the best design company to hire to handle your entire event from start to finish. Here are 5 rules for picking a color scheme for your next big event.

Analogous Color Palettes

By pairing one main color with the two colors directly next to it on the color wheel, this scheme type of three colors creates a soft and less contrasting palette. It can be complemented by adding two additional colors, which are found next to the two outside colors in the wheel. USing one of the main colors of the venue will ensure that the palette compliments the venue while offering softer complementary colors in the decor. For example, if you choose a white walled venue, you may want to use blue, blue-violet and turquoise as well as tints of white to create a joined up palette.

Monochromatic Color Palette

A Monochromatic palette is based on various shades and tints of one hue. Using this palette creates a clean look. Here is an example of a monochromatic color palette.

Triadic Color Palette

If you are looking for a high contrast color palette, consider a triadic color scheme. It offers high contrasting color but retains the same tone. Choosing three colors that are equally placed around the color wheel has a great impact.

Complementary Color Palette

This color palette is based on using opposite colors of the color wheel. This provides a great deal of color contrast so one should be chosen as the dominant color. However, you can also incorporate tints of the same colors to tone down the look.

Split Complementary Color Palette

In this palette, one dominant color and two colors directly adjacent to the dominant color complement each other.

If you are still stuck on your next event, contact us today!